
Monday, August 29, 2011

Home Sweet Home

It's been a little busy around here trying to get settled into our NEW APARTMENT!!! But oh, how wonderful a change it has been. 

We went from a view like this (granted the kid is pretty stinkin' cute but the yard is pretty pathetic. The little green you see is just moss that disappeared quickly leaving us with the same rocks and dirt we had for 5 years):

To a view like this:

And we're closer to just about everything. Sean's work and church are about 20 minutes closer now which is phenomenal. There are three bedrooms instead of two. Stairs (which the kids love). All new carpet and cabinets. The kitchen and living room are like one combined room making it wonderful for having people over and the everyday doing dishes and keeping an eye on the crazies in the living room at the same time, kind of stuff. We've been in since August 6th but, as normal, finding a place for everything is still a bit challenging. But we are blessed beyond measure and praise the Lord for his abundant provision. We are in want of nothing and His mercy and grace abound. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
“ Every good gift and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Lights.” 
James 1:17 

p.s. once I get my camera battery charged and home presentable I'll post some pictures of the inside as well. :)

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