

Born on July 18, 2007
11:08 am
9 lbs 1 oz 22 in

Baby Blake

1 year old
Jalama with McClain family and pool party at Grandma and Grandpa Martino's

2 years old
Took a tour of the fire station before leaving for Jalama.
You got a Thomas and Percy train from mom and dad. You set them next to you on the couch as you watched tv and kept looking over and touching them like you were making sure they were really there and yours to keep. Grandma Sally made you a panda bear cake and Grandma Terrie and Grandpa Tony got you your first tricycle.

3 years old
Birthday Padre Game 
You got your first baseball glove. What a big boy you are.

4 Years Old
You took your first trip to Disneyland with mom and dad.
You loved the trains and shooting the Buzz Lightyear gun.
You also got your first big boy bike and caught on so fast.