Born on February 25, 2009
1: 36 pm
6 lbs 15 oz, 19 in.
Baby Aubrey
First day at church. |
1 year old
Birthday party and Grandpa Tony and Grandma Terrie's
Mom and Dad got you your first baby doll. You wanted it right away and couldn't wait for us to get it out of the package. And you have been the best mommy to your baby ever since. |
2 years old
Making her birthday cake. We took you to the candy store to pick out candy to decorate your cake with. You had so much fun. And it tasted fantastic!
3 Years Old
Had a really fun birthday party at grandma's house!
Had some yummy orange bear cake, opened presents and played with all your cousins.
You got some new barbies, a giant stuffed doggy, a new scooter and more! |