Our little man is 4 years old. It goes by way too fast. They say a child's character is shaped largely by the first five years of their life. And we only have one of those left! But we are so proud of the boy we call our son. And here are some reasons, B, why we adore you...
- You are content. Now you don't always get what you want and you whine like any other 4 year old but right now for example, while I'm typing you are perfectly happy playing with some puzzles. You can keep yourself entertained indefinitely with a few toys (or non toys that you pretend are toys) and your amazing imagination. Sometimes you reenact your favorite scene from toy story, or make up your own episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, or just start bursting out in song as you sit in the grocery cart while we're shopping: "Worthy is the Lamb that once was slain, to receive all glory power and praise, for with Your blood You purchased us for God. Jesus You are worthy, that is what You are." You will hold two colored pencils in a little t formation and zoom around the house flying them like a jet and of course making the sounds that go with it.
- You love to read. You will sit and be read to as long and the reader will keep reading.
- You've been working on catching the baseball with your glove and are getting pretty good at it. You can also batt like a pro. We have to stop playing in the house because it's only a matter of time before your line drives start breaking things.
- You are so tenacious! What an amazing quality. If you can't figure something out you don't get upset or frustrated. You just try again and again and again and... you get it! Although being able to open the childproof door knob was not one I wold have picked for you to catch on to...
- You decided to designate people with specific descriptive words. I realized this one day when I said "B, you're crazy!" and you said "No, I not crazy. I'm a goof ball!" Oh really? well what about A? Apparently A is silly, daddy is awesome, aunty Lisa is awesome, Uncle Bryan and papa are great and mommy.... well I'm crazy. :) (if he only knew)
- Some of our favorite funnies from you this year are when you would throw your hands to the side and exclaim "Holy Cow Mackerel!" and when you would randomly respond "huuuuuh???? HOOAH!" or you would say "I don't know, no problem" completely out of context with a goofy grin on your face just to make us laugh. For example. B: What is this? Mommy: It's spaghetti... B: Oh, no problem! (and you say you're not crazy ;)
- You do the most real train whistle. It sounds just like one of those wooden ones with the four different tones. It makes me so impressed and sends my eardrums into painful spasms all at the same time.
- You love Donald Duck. When I asked you who your favorite disney character was you didn't hesitate. I asked if you if you liked Mickey and you said. "No Mickey is not funny. I like Donald" ha ha. We've watched a bit of donald vs. chip and dale on youtube so you know what's up. :)
- You love to snuggle. When we say goodnight you wrap your arms around my neck and won't let go until I make you. Or if we're sitting on the couch to watch a movie you will scoot right next to me and lean into me resting your head on me and it makes my heart melt.
- You love your little sisters. You will help T find things to play with. You will goof around with A and whenever you guys fight or crash and hurt each other (very often being that you're siblings that are 19 months apart) you forgive immediately. That is so special. You don't hold grudges. You just love.
We had so much fun for your birthday this year. Birthday party at Papa and Grandma Terrie and Skittle's house where you were joined and showered with love and presents from your cousins, aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas and great grandparents. You had a donald duck cake, lots of time in the pool. Your first big boy bike, Dragons, bubbles, writing and coloring toys, and you loved everything that you opened. The next day was your birthday and you took you very own first trip to Disneyland! You loved riding on the trains, shooting the Buzz Lightyear gun, riding on the submarine and the teacups. It was a special day for our special boy. Our sweet, fun, crazy, 4 year old goofball!
Catching your first glimpse of Buzz Lightyear |
Teacups |
Churro! |
You LOVED your sword |
Riding on the submarine |
Happy Birthday B. We love you.