
Monday, June 20, 2011

Six months today is our sweet T Shea

June 20, 2011
Our sweet T Shea is 6 months old today. 
So I thought I would share a little of her sweetness with you.
  • She rolls like a pro and squirms her way around living room with ease
  • She laughs and coos and is now quite the babbler
  • She's up on her hands and knees rocking back and forth
  • She is a little snuggle bug when she is tired
  • She is a crazy squirmer when she's not
  • She loves paper. If someone left or dropped a piece anywhere on the ground she WILL find it and gum it to a pulp.
  • She'll gum your finger to a pulp too... I think she's teething.
  • She thoroughly enjoys being in the water. She'll kick her legs and try to swim and smile ear to ear.
  • She LOVES FOOD!!! she ate almost a whole jar her first meal. The next day she had such a hard time waiting till dinner for her meal and the third day she had two full jars! And she doesn't make much of a mess. She wants it all in her tummy. 
  • She is my sunshine on a cloudy day... and at 4am. (we're hoping the solid foods will help with that one)
  • She has the most chewable thighs, and arms, and cheeks and... she's just yummy all around and will giggle like crazy if you chew on her sides.
  • If you talk to her, her eyes twinkle.
  • She is adored by her big sister who plays with her, talks to her, tries to feed her, and gives her lots of hugs and kisses. 
  • She loves her big brother who brings her toys and entertains her with his silliness.
  • She's daddy's little girl and mommy's comfort from crazy big siblings (for now, I'm sure she'll be keeping up with them in no time).
  • She is a precious gift from God. We are truly blessed.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Fun in the Sun!

We had a fun trip a few weekends ago to visit the fam up in Simi. The weekend couldn't have come at a better time. I know you mamas understand. Just needed a break from the day to day. The only bummer was that we all had colds the whole trip. :-( Not that it slowed down B and A for one second. But I was so thankful to have so much family around to keep them busy and happy so I could just relax.

One of the highlights of the weekend was definitely the pool! B loved having splash wars with papa and A would have taken her nap in the pool if we would have let her! T even went for a little swim. She kicked like crazy and smiled and laughed the whole time. Who wouldn't in 90 degree water? :-)

T hanging out with her Auntie Lisa

T and daddy getting ready to take a swim.

After she jumped from the waterfall. Pure joy!

She showed B that it wasn't scary.

And he got the hang of it real quick.

My Honey and Me

My Beautiful Mama