Hello everyone. So, my debut to the blogging world has arrived! I decided to create this site for all our friends and family far away to be able to "keep tabs" on us. ;) I will share photos of family outings, developmental milestones, perhaps some some of my culinary escapades and just the everyday fun and craziness that is our life; our wonderfully blessed life.
As we are now:
Sean is the warehouse coordinator for Crescent Helthcare, delivering infusion medication to at home patients. He enjoys laying the smack down on the racquetball court whenever he can. He is the sweetest husband who will set up my coffee the night before, texts me just to say he loves me and occasionally surprises me with a date day! He is always ready to get down and wrestle with the kids and play games.
B will be 4 this July. He is 100% B-O-Y He loves to crash everything. He is a fan of anything that moves. Planes, trains, trucks, helicopters, spaceships... you get the idea. He also loves to dance and sing. Every night before bed he asks to sing "From the Highest of Heights" He loves to kick the soccer ball, throw the football and hit the baseball, and run the bases (which pretty much means to run to every corner of our apartment and then figure 4 slide somewhere in the living room.) He enjoys building with his blocks and making up new games for us to play. And he pretty much just goofs off any chance he gets.

A just turned 2 at the end of February. She is my favorite mix of girly and tomboy. She LOVES to take care of her baby. She dresses her, puts her in the high chair to feed her, swaddles her, gives her hugs and kisses, puts her to bed and sings her to sleep. She loves her sparkly shoes and putting flowers in her hair, but then she'll wrestle her brother to the ground and climb the highest ladder at the park (the one Blake is to nervous to try=)). And when she falls down she just jumps right back up and keeps going. Tough as nails. She can definitely hang with the big boys.

T was born December 20th, right on her due date, and weighed a whopping 10 pounds 2 ounces! Which makes her our biggest baby yet. She is three months old now but wears 6-9month clothes so she's not slowing down in the growth department. She loves her family, especially her daddy. Whenever she sees Sean her face lights up and she will just smile and gaze into his eyes. She is a very happy baby and very content. She sleeps wonderfully and is the BEST cuddle bug. It is so fun to see her little personality begin to come out. There's a lot more to come I know; you can see it sparkle in her eyes.
As for me, I have been incredibly blessed to be able to stay home with these munchkins since B was born. It is the greatest privilege to be entrusted to the raising and training of these precious souls. I marvel every day at them and pray for the grace to be all the the Lord would call me to be in their lives. Although I fall short more often that I would like to admit, I know that his grace abounds and His purposes will prevail, no matter how much I screw up. :)
I enjoy cooking and baking, singing and songwriting, being out in the sunshine, and coffee... definitely coffee.
So that's a brief overview of us. I am excited to share more with you as we travel along this journey of life. Stories of all the fun and smiles and sunshine that fill our lives.
Teresa Rose